Creating custom options panels WordPress relatively easy. First, create menu item the page, Adding Administration Menus. long you stick this structure, WordPress handle of option creation, update, saving, redirection you. will check permissions, do that magic the scenes.
Whether load option WordPress starts up. Accepts boolean, null leave decision to default heuristics WordPress. backward compatibility 'yes' 'no' also accepted, using values deprecated. Autoloading many options lead performance problems, if options not frequently used.
One the great advantages using WordPress the abundance avenues accomplish same outcome. especially rings true adding options to theme. used Options Page functionality the Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin effectively some time, I been thinking using Customizer instead.
Theme Customizer: adding options to the WordPress Customizer (customize_register action) a integrated experience. Creating custom theme options page you provide users a tailored experience, making WordPress theme versatile user-friendly. following steps, can construct intuitive .
WordPress Settings API. Settings API added in v2.7 it developers create admin option pages. like in WordPress ,it's so simple.
Adding Options Page. WordPress a built-in function called add_options_page adds the options page you. function four required two optional parameters are to generate new page. . is by wrapping add_options_page function a custom callable function named ltid_get .
To add options page WordPress, can follow steps: Create new PHP file your WordPress theme plugin directory. Define function will create options page. can the WordPress function add_menu_page() add_submenu_page() create page. the function, define HTML PHP code the options page.
Next, must WordPress to add new Options page the WordPress dashboard. Conveniently, WordPress the add_options_page function. However, .
Create Custom Options Page WordPress. To create custom options settings page WordPress, must knowledge WordPress action/hooks settings API how to them. will admin_menu action hook add_options_page(), add_menu_page().add_submenu_page(), settings API functions settings_fields() register_setting(), etc.
The options page feature us add extra admin page WordPress you easily create custom fields input box, select options, color picker, textarea, media uploader, etc…
5 Ways to Create a WordPress Plugin Settings Page